
Do you need professional photographer in your wedding

Hiring a professional photographer for your wedding can bring numerous benefits and enhance the overall experience of capturing your special day. Here are several reasons why having a professional photographer is often recommended for your weddings: Experience and Skill Professional photographers have the knowledge and expertise to capture the best moments creatively. We are skilled in [...]
Camera Setting Photography Photography Education

Aperture a key elements of the exposure triangle

Aperture is one of the three key elements of the exposure triangle in photography, along with shutter speed and ISO. It refers to the opening in the lens through which light passes to reach the camera sensor. The size of this opening is adjustable and is measured in f-stops. Common f-stop values include f/1.4, f/2.8, [...]
Camera Setting Photography Photography Education

How does the exposure triangle work?

The exposure triangle is a fundamental concept in photography that represents the relationship between three key elements: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. These elements collectively determine the exposure of an image. Understanding the exposure triangle helps photographers achieve proper exposure and make creative decisions about depth of field, motion blur, and image quality. Here's how [...]
Camera Setting Photography Photography Education

ISO and its important in photography

ISO is an essential setting in photography because it directly influences the sensitivity of your camera's image sensor to light. Understanding and properly managing the ISO setting is crucial for achieving well-exposed photographs in different lighting conditions. Here are several reasons why ISO is important in photography: Low-Light Conditions In situations with limited available light, [...]
Clients & Services Photography Services Weaning Ceremony

Weaning Ceremony : Suyasha

Annaprashan/ Macha Jankow / Pasni (the Weaning Ceremony or the Rice Feeding Ceremony) is a Nepali celebration in which a child is fed rice or solid food for the first time.   Image Gallery is out for Suyosha : Suyasha Lamsal – Weaning Ceremony
Photography Education Photography Gear & Equipment

What camera do vloggers use?

Vloggers use a variety of cameras, and the choice depends on individual preferences, budget constraints, and the type of content they create. Here are some popular types of cameras that vloggers commonly use: Mirrorless Cameras: Many vloggers prefer mirrorless cameras due to their compact size, lighter weight, and excellent video capabilities. Models like the Sony [...]
Photographers Photography Education

Ansel Adams – American photographer and environmentalist

Ansel Adams (1902–1984) was an iconic American photographer and environmentalist, best known for his black-and-white landscape photographs of the American West. He played a significant role in the development of photography as an art form and was a key figure in the conservation movement. Here are some key points about Ansel Adams: Early Life and [...]
Photography Photography Books Photography Education Photography Tips

Photography magazines can change your mind

There are several photography magazines that cater to enthusiasts, professionals, and hobbyists who are interested in staying updated on the latest trends, gear, and techniques in photography. Keep in mind that the availability and popularity of magazines can change, so it's a good idea to check current sources for the latest information. Here are some [...]
Photography Photography Education Photography Gear & Equipment Photography News

Mirrorless is trending in the camera industry

Mirrorless camera advancements have been a significant trend in the camera industry. Mirrorless cameras, which lack the traditional mirror mechanism found in DSLRs, offer advantages such as compact size, faster autofocus, and electronic viewfinders. Here are some of the key advancements and trends in mirrorless cameras: Improved Autofocus Performance: Mirrorless cameras have seen continuous improvements [...]
Photography Education Photography Tips

Latest camera technology

I can highlight some trends and technologies that were prominent in the camera industry up to that point. To get the most recent information, please check the latest news, reviews, and announcements from camera manufacturers. Here are some trends and technologies that were relevant up to my last update: Mirrorless Camera Advancements: Mirrorless cameras continued [...]
Photography Education Photography News

Future of photography

I don't have specific details on the most recent news about the future of photography. The landscape of photography is continually evolving with advancements in technology, camera equipment, software, and trends. To get the latest information, I recommend checking reliable news sources, photography-related websites, and industry publications for updates on emerging technologies, innovations, and trends [...]

What are megapixels?

Megapixels (MP) are a unit of measurement used to quantify the resolution of a digital camera or an image sensor. The term "megapixel" is a combination of "mega," meaning one million, and "pixel," which stands for picture element. Therefore, one megapixel is equivalent to one million pixels. In the context of digital photography and imaging [...]
Camera Setting Photography Education

What are the basics of photography and taking good photographs?

Taking good photographs involves a combination of technical skills, artistic vision, and creativity. Here are some basics of photography to help you get started: Understand Your Camera Know the basic functions of your camera, including settings like aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and white balance. Read your camera's manual to familiarize yourself with its features. Master Composition [...]

Art or photography

Art and photography are both creative mediums that can be used to express ideas, emotions, and perspectives. While they share some similarities, they are also distinct in many ways. Art is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of creative disciplines, including painting, sculpture, drawing, and mixed media. It is generally considered to be [...]

Why tough to make money from photography?

Making money from photography can be tough for several reasons: High competition: With the widespread availability of cameras and smartphones, there are many people who can take good photos. This has led to a highly competitive market, making it difficult for individual photographers to stand out and command a premium price for their work. Pricing [...]

Why photography is expensive

Photography can be expensive due to a variety of factors. Some of the main reasons why photography may be costly include: Equipment costs: High-quality cameras, lenses, lighting equipment and other tools needed for professional photography can be very expensive. Photographers must invest in equipment that meets the high standards of their clients, which often involves [...]
Birthday Photography Photography Services

Celebrations of Sarah’s 5th Birthday

GALLERY IS HERE !!POLITE NOTICEPlease contact us for DOWNLOAD ALL Gallery Images in one ZIP File. Allow Gallary's loading time a little bit longer, we are doing our best to reduce your waiting time.  Feel free to contact us: if having issues accessing the gallery or any technical errors. Use live chat service for quick [...]

Celebrating World Photography Day

Wednesday, Monday 19 August Today is the day marked Wednesday, 19 August 2020, all photographers celebrating their craft to produce stunning images. I had plan to visit City of London, earliest in the morning and not sure about the during the day. These are my inspiration :


Quotes on Photography to inspire your soul

Quotes that melt your heart to explore more Famous photographers have said about photography where we can appreciate our work and hope you will find some inspirational photography quotes here. When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.  Ansel Adams   When words become [...]

Win a free family photography

बिजया दसमिको पावन अवसरमा सम्पूर्ण नेपाली परिवारहरुलाई हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना का साथसाथै एक नेपाली परिवार को लागि दशमीको उपहार स्वोरुप एकदिनको परिवारिक फोटोग्राफी सितैमा। यो उपहार जित्नको लागि तलको फारम भर्नु होला र सर्तहरु निम्न बमोजिम छन्। १. यो फारम १३ October २०१९ सम्म खुल्ला रहनेछ. २. यो उपहारको बिजेता lucky Draw बाट चयन गरिने […]

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